Many wetlands in the Cook Inlet lowlands, Alaska have been classified and mapped as part of a project to better understand and manage these valuable resources. Areas covered include the western Kenai Peninsula, the area around Seward, non-Chugach National Forest lands in the Kenai Mountains, and the most populous areas of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley. This map is supported by extensive field data, including measurements of water chemistry, soil properties, hydrology, and plant species occurrence and abundance. The information is summarized in two peer-reviewed publications (Gracz et al., 2015; Gracz & Glaser, 2016) and a doctoral dissertation, along with map posters and reports. You can view an interactive map of these efforts below.
Wetland Types
Explore detailed information on the wetland types mapped.
Data Downloads
GIS users can download a shapefile of the data that is zipped with supporting layer files, style files, and metadata. For more documentation and/or download options, please visit the Download Map Data and Literature page. Users can also access this map layer online via the Kenai Peninsula Borough’s geospatial hub, viewKPB, where it is listed as “KWF Wetlands Assessment” under the “Landscape” layer group in the left hand menu.
Please note that this is a static map, not a regularly updated layer.
Please note that the Kenai Watershed Forum is not a regulatory entity. This map is a geospatial product for informational purposes only. It does not represent legal boundaries, nor can it be used to determine what permit(s) a given development project might require.
To speak to a professional about the permitting process, please contact the US Army Core of Engineers Alaska Field Office. Additional information about living near wetlands is available from the Kenai Peninsula Borough’s River Center (request a copy of “On the River” or “On the Coast.”)
Further reading: Wetlands on the Kenai Peninsula.