Jr. Stream Watch

Are you a young person hoping to gain hands-on experience in the field of conservation? From habitat restoration to interacting with anglers, Jr. Stream Watch is aimed to introduce teens to the career possibilities of working outdoors in conservation related fields!

No time commitment is too small! Have time before practice? Come fix habitat fencing! Have a day off from work? Staff an outreach booth at a boat launch! We are prepared to work around your schedule – we want to get YOU outside!

Check out our flyer here to get to know the program a little more – and fill out the form below to get in Contact with Katey & Alexis!

Make sure to Select “Jr. Stream Watch” to make sure we get your info!

Sign Up!

Jr. Stream Watch Staff

Alexis McDonald

Jr. Stream Watch Technician


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Katey Shedden

Education Specialist

(907) 252-3443


Brandon Drzazgowski

Environmental Scientist

Stream Watch Coordinator

(907) 398-4304